Something Deeper is Lacking in Churches
There is no lack of information in a Christian land; something else is lacking, and this is something which the one man cannot directly communicate to the other. – Soren Kierkegaard Our job as pastors is to create space for people to interact with God. We get paid to help them glimpse the divine. This calling takes seriously the need for transformation, but our church mediums stop short by only transferring information. Here’s what I mean: We arrive on Sunday sharing pleasantries around the coffee pot. We talk about our week, doctor’s appointments, and last night’s game. We go to Sunday school to read a biblical text and listen to the teacher speak its history. Our worship is dominated by announcements and a 45-minute sermon that is filled with information. If we come back during the week, it is no different. Ministers gather in staff meetings. Class options are subject-driven. Committees gather to re-write policies on policies. T...