We Don't Care, Tithe, or Act Concerned
The latest buzz from the postmodern, millennial group in Baptist life is that “they don’t care about the conservative resurgence.” There is also a growing feeling that says, “They don’t care about the institutional church.” Perhaps a third reality is emerging saying, “I’m spiritual, but I’m not religious.” I realize these are generalizations but I’d be surprised if you disagree with them. Fueled by a desire to ‘hang with the herd,’ these young adults refuse, reject, and rebuff denominational loyalty for fear of causing separation or marginalization. Words like “community,” “intentionality,” and “ecumenicism” are mentioned way before words like “doctrinal,” “controversy” or “resurgence.” And it appears that this is happening on both sides of the aisle. Millennials cannot bear the thought of intentionally ostracizing a group. They tip their caps in appreciation to denominational bodies like CBF or SBC but do little to strengthen, to support, or to foster solidarity w...