Prosperity, Progress, and Power
We humans look at the zenith of our God-given potential and artistry and believe it is our highest good. We look at our cities and pride ourselves on our conquest of the environment. We look at our technology and medical advances and think that we can control our destinies. We look to our prosperity and think we can provide for our needs. Yet in humanity’s great narrative, empires come and go. Every century presents a new world order. And in every case – the present power falls. Even though we have gone from tents to buildings, camels to cars, roads to airplanes, the constant in history is not power . . . but the replacement of power. Mark 13 is the promise of the final replacement of power. Scripture says the sun will darken and the moon will give no light. The stars will fall from above and the heavens will shake producing a cloud of God’s glory hovering over the kingdoms of the earth. This, in other words, is God’s is final replacement of power. I...