Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.
For too long churches have paraded around speaking Micah 6:8 as if it is a lullaby: Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God. We say these words as if they carry little significance if not followed. We say these words as if they are simply guidelines for how life should be governed. But no. This is not the context of Micah 6. Rather God is saying, “You’ve seen what is right, Judah. You know how to act. We’ve been over this before. Yet you still fail. I require justice, mercy and humility. And you don’t do any of these.” For churches that come together and worship and offer proverbial sacrifices to God but do not do justice, love mercy and walk humbly are falling into the same patterned lifestyle that Judah fell into. Micah 6:8 is not a lullaby, it is an indictment. It is a verdict. It is the theme in which life must be lived by or God will see this as a breach in covenant. We must be people who look out into the world through the eyes of justi...