Growing with a Growth that Comes from God
"Grow with a growth that is from God." (Col 2:19, NRSV) I love this phrase. Its a challenge from the author to the Colossian church to never ever stop growing, learning, studying, reading, praying, probing, thinking, interrogating, believing, inquiring, prying, analyzing, questioning, learning, building, and trying. And coming from a guy who never wants to NOT be in school, it makes sense I would love this portion of the text. But there’s more here than my narcissistic admiration. It’s a call to become more. Become better. Become more godly. More holy. More spiritual. Its time for us and Christians all over this world to hear this message: “We must never stop growing with the growth that is from God.” It’s a common misunderstanding really . . . people believe once they emerge from the rolling waters of the baptismal pool that Christianity, eternity, life and access to all measures of love are somehow miraculously obtained. This is simply not tru...