The Ministry of Release
In Luke 4:14-21, Jesus works his way to the platform and pulls out a scroll from the Ark in Nazareth's synagogue. He doesn’t grab the Law – he grabs a prophecy. He grabs Isaiah 61 and Isaiah 58. This is the first time you hear Jesus speak to people in the Gospel of Luke. And what a way to start! “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me! I’m anointed and I’ve come to bring with me the ministry of release.” Release is the mission of Luke’s Jesus. It’s the life pattern Jesus is setting for all who chose to follow. The final line Jesus reads from Isaiah says, “In the year of the Lord’s favor.” This is not a throwaway line. Jesus is speaking about Isaiah 58:6 which is talking about Leviticus 25. In ancient Israelite culture, there is a year known as the Year of Jubilee. Jubilee actually means, “Release.” The year of Jubilee occurs every fifty years. Accordingly, property would be returned to the original owners, debts would be canceled, and those who had managed their deb...